brian c. vance

Vance specializes in large scale abstract oil paintings. From building each frame, to stretching and preparing the canvas, every painting is a labor of love. The surface is worked layer upon layer, slowly and deliberately. Each painting evolves as the artist methodically transforms the paint by skillful manipulation, creating movement and depth across the canvas. Paintings are highly textured, which purposefully and subtly explore dimensions from one particular hue to a range of the color spectrum. Each painting is titled after a song the artist listened to during the many hours creating.

"Images are powerful and I thrive on blurring lines of traditional structure. My inspiration comes from the stillness in nature as well as urban surroundings and music. Often the creative process begins with an urban photo shoot or imagery documented during my travels. A weathered steel bridge juxtaposed with the flowing Chicago River. An Autumn sunset from the shores of Lake Charlevoix or the desert landscape and mid century modern architecture of Palm Springs. From a photo or image in my mind - to the canvas is where the painting takes control and I follow its lead."

Please email for information on available paintings, 

custom designs, sizes and pricing.